标题:Intersetorialidade e participação social na gestão da educação permanente em saúde em um município de pequeno porte do Rio Grande do Sul: percepções de um Núcleo Municipal de Educação em Saúde Coletiva
出版社:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:Objective: This article aimed to describe perceptions related to intersectoriality and social participation in the continuing education in health (EPS) management observed by health professionals members of a Municipal Health Education Nucleus (NUMESC) in a small municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.Materials and Methods: Using a qualitative approach, eight meetings were held with the NUMESC. Meetings were recorded, transcribed and submitted to the thematic content analysis. The software Atlas.ti was used to organize the material produced.Results: This article describes two thematic categories found: “Movements for intersectoral work and the exchange of experiences” and “Obstacles to effective social participation”.Conclusion: In the first category, professionals affirmed that movements were made in order to obtain the involvement of other sectors of the municipality, which required ruptures in traditional ways of doing, but brought positive results in the management of EPS. In the second category, they observed that, although foreseen in the norms that govern the public health system (SUS), social participation is still not very expressive in the spaces of municipal management and practically nonexistent in the management of health education.
关键词:Educação Permanente;Estratégia Saúde da Família;Saúde Pública;Participação social;