摘要:This research aims to investigate the role of career optimism and adaptability in the academic achievement of students. The research method was descriptive and correlational. A total of 445 (288 female & 157 males) of the bachelor students of the university of Isfahan were randomly selected through proportional ratio sampling, and the participants completed the Academic Achievement Questionnaire, Career Adaptability Scale, Career Optimism Scale. Correlation analysis showed that career adaptability and career optimism predict 0.21 and 0.27 of variance in academic achievement of girl students and career adaptability predict 0.21 of variance in academic achievement of boy students. Based on the findings of this study, it can be said that because the career optimism and adaptability were predictors of academic achievement, they can be considered as the most important factors that should be considered in the academic counseling process. Therefore, it is suggested to develop and reinforce four dimensions of career adaptability as well as increase their career optimism in the students.