摘要:The dilemma of Sudan is contained in a protracted need for it to identify as either Arab or African with these two classifications being pitted against each other. This adversity has informed the identities of the diverse populations who have inhabited this land, and while attempts have been made to reconcile these complexities they persist and fracture Sudan as a nation. However, this situation is the site of flux and subject to changes wrought by history and the impermanence of events. This article expounds on how the bodies that contain diverse Sudanese identities are in fact experiencing entities that convey how social agents engage with social identifications and how through words and actions they fashion and mold them.
关键词:Soudan du Nord; Soudan du Sud; arabité; carnation; enveloppe dermique; hétéroglossie; hybridité; interstices entre agentivité et structure; le regard de l’autre; le Tiers-Espace; vivre des identités noires
其他关键词:Northern Sudan; Southern Sudan; Arabness; Blackness; dermic envelope; heteroglossia; hybridity; interstices between agency and structure; skin tone; The Look; Third Space