摘要:Incorporation of xanthan gum and locust bean gum in rice flour supplemented by chickpea flour was used to obtain a good quality of nutritionally enriched biscuit for celiac children. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the levels of xanthan and locust bean gum added to the composite gluten-free flour. Analysis was based on the rheological (hardness and viscoelastic) characteristics of the dough and specific volume, water activity, and hardness of the biscuit. The results revealed that the regression and variance analysis coefficients related to the rheological and physical properties of dough and biscuit under the influence of independent variables were sufficient for an adequate and well-fitted response surface model. Linear terms of variables significantly affect most of the dough and biscuit parameters, where the xanthan gum effect was found to be more pronounced than locust bean gum. Interaction terms showed a significant positive effect on the specific volume of the biscuits and a negative effect on the water activity. However, the interactive effect of gums did not significantly affect the rheological parameters of the dough. Optimized conditions were developed to maximize the specific volume of biscuit and minimize water activity and biscuit hardness, while keeping hardness and viscoelastic properties of the dough in range. Predicted responses were found satisfactory for both rheological and physical characteristics of dough and biscuit.