摘要:The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of the gross domestic product (GDP) and population on the investment yield of sharia insurance in Indonesia. This research used a causal research design with Indonesian sharia insurance as the focus. The secondary data were sourced from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) of Indonesia in 2016–2017. The analysis was performed with Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) software and indicated that the GDP did not influence the investment yield; however, the population did influence the investment yield of sharia insurance in Indonesia. The implications of this study are expected to recommend to the Indonesia Financial Services Authority regarding the impact of the GDP and population on the investment yield in Indonesia. In addition, the implication provides support for the Indonesian monetary policy authorities to anticipate the monetary policy by the Fed, regarding dovish and hawkish sentiments, to encourage capital inflows to emerging countries due to the impact on the development of Sharia/Takaful insurance in Indonesia. A social implication is that the sharia insurance industry in Indonesia can develop if the public can enjoy convenience in applying for premiums and ease in receiving sharia insurance claims. The majority of Indonesia's population of Moslems requires an openness in the process. This study takes a sample of different sharia industry characteristics to compare sharia and conventional types of industry.
关键词:Dovish/hawkish sentiments;; Investment yield; Gross Domestic Product Population