摘要:This essay seeks to make some notes regarding the construction of rights from the perspective of cis and trans women for a Rights Agenda within the scope of protective measures. The idea of violence against this social group suffers negative discourse about being another “crime” among crimes that happen in society – which positions an inversion of the agency of blame that erases the male violating agent and allocates it to the female agent, cis and trans, the origin of the violence suffered. This context of claiming presents itself as that of the right to have rights, that is, to dispute the discourse that one is a subject of rights. Thus, in this work, we discuss gender interpretations in legislative productions and protective matters, as well as bringing statistical data on the topic. Finally, what we try to delimit, is the institutional construction of the dispute for rights on a gendered basis that are deeply masked in an alleged logic of abuse that would “affect everyone” – which hides the institutional violation of the rights of cis and trans women.