标题:Resistência e reciprocidade: comportamento in situ de pertencimento na feira do produtor em Morretes - PR (Resistance and reciprocity: the in-situ behavior of belonging At the producers fair in Morretes - PR)
摘要:The present work had as objective to present the results of a research that sought to ascertain the existence of a counter-hegemonic economy in a space of monetary exchange, in the case of the Producer's Fair in Morretes on the coast of Paraná. The methodology of theoretical inductive research, ethnographic, descriptive and analytical observation of the object of study was used. The results show that in the Producer Fair there are social relations of reciprocity that overlap the relations of individual financial gains. The Producer Fair in practice can be seen as a place of local belonging, a place of resistance against globalizing rationality, because it takes place the valorization of local culture, where people identify themselves at the same time as economic activity occurs. It was concluded that, in the Feira space, homo situs stands out in social relations, it organizes the site based on reciprocity relations.