标题:A Judicialização de Conflitos Socioambientais na Amazônia Rural e Urbana: Experiências com Termos de Ajustamento de Conduta em Barcarena e Belém (PA)
摘要:This work addresses experiences of mediation of socio-environmental conflicts with Conduct Adjustment Agreements (CAAs) in the Amazon, in Belém (PA) and Barcarena (PA), where traditional and low-income populations are affected by urbanization projects and the mining industry. The work draws on participant observation and analysis of official documents from five CCAs. We seek to understand their social effectiveness, the contradictions, and the role of rural and urban communities within (extra)judicial negotiations led by the Public Prosecutor’s Office against private companies and the State. It concludes that CAAs claim to be alternative judicial procedures, while in reality they replicate the downsides of conventional legal actions: lengthy and consuming processes with limited grassroots participation and no resolution, validating the violations committed by the State and companies.
关键词:Amazonas;Conflictos socioambientales;Llevar a cabo un acuerdo de ajuste.;Amazônia;Conflitos socioambientais;Termo de ajustamento de conduta.