期刊名称:Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature
出版社:Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua, de la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials
摘要:The teaching of grammar requires asking things that are often taken for granted: what is it we intend to teach by teaching grammar, how that grammar should be, what variety or register of language is to be taken as a point of reference, if any scientific approach (or not) should configure (or not) the grammar taught. There are answers that would seem obvious: the necessary vision of many languages as pluricentric, the need to provide the necessary tools for an adequate use of the language, that is, the vision of language as a sociocultural activity; others may be less obvious, such as the distinction between the "stable" (the rules of grammatical structures) and the "variable" (that which allows more freedom to the speaker).