摘要:This study fundamental purpose is to explore pre and in-service teachers’ perceptions of self-efficacy regarding inclusive practices, as assessed through employing the TEIP (Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practices) scale. This study was conducted by means of a systematised review. As pre- and in-service teachers’ self-efficacy can influence the quality of inclusive education, the researcher investigated studies that have addressed this issue in-depth. Eight databases were searched during this study, and 24 peer reviewed articles in which the TEIP scale was used, from 2012 to 2018, were selected for inclusion. The perceptions of pre- and in-service teachers’ self- efficacy towards inclusive education were examined through using the TEIP scale’s three sub-dimensions. The results show that the perceptions of pre- and in-service teachers’ self-efficacy towards inclusive education are associated with teachers’ field experience, age of teacher, level currently teaching, length of training, knowledge of local legislation, confidence in teaching significant interaction with disabled students, gender, level of education, different countries’ perspectives, attitude and subject major.