摘要:Purpose: to associate the degree of oropharyngeal dysphagia and orotracheal intubation time in post stroke individuals after cardiac surgery. Methods: a cross-sectional retrospective discriptive clinical study carried out by means of protocols data collection and chart records during six months in a public hospital of reference in cardiology. We analyzed 25 protocols and medical records of individuals undergoing cardiac surgery who evolved with stroke and were assisted by a team of speech language therapists. The subjects were divided into two groups. Group1 (G1) consisted of 10 individuals with orotracheal intubation less than 24 hours and Group 2 (GII) of 15 individuals with orotracheal intubation more than 24hours. After performing swallowing clinical evaluation and analyzing the association between the clinical classification of degree of commitment for dysphagia and orotracheal intubation time. Results: it was found that40% of the individuals in group 1 presented mild dysphagia, 30% moderate and 20% severe. In Group II, 13.3 % presented mild dysphagia, 33.3% moderate and 53.33% severe. There was a significant linear association between the degree of dysphagia and OTI. (p=0,031) indicating that the number of individuals with moderate and severe dysphagia was higher in the group with a longer intubation Conclusions: we could observe that time of orotracheal intubation more than 24 hours increases the degree of oropharyngeal dysphagia in this population.
关键词:Transtornos de Deglutição; Acidente Vascular Cerebral; Cirurgia Toracica