摘要:Turkish education processes are in the focus of attention of researchers because they directly affect individuals' understanding, expression skills, scientific thinking skills, etc. In general, these studies are aimed at how to make more effective use of Turkish education processes and the effectiveness of existing practices. In the development of the effectiveness of educational processes, the issue of using existing technological opportunities comes to the fore. In this study, research on the use of information and technology in Turkish education processes was examined. These researches are handled in the form of postgraduate thesis and articles. The research samples were analyzed in terms of subject areas and methods. The screening model was used in the study. Content analysis was used for document review and data evaluation. Theses and articles were evaluated separately in terms of the listed fields. In general, the research results are summarized in theses in terms of the subject area of multimedia-language skills interaction and the use of e-content in Turkish teaching processes for foreigners and the interaction of e-content-language skills, etc.; In the articles, it has been determined that the titles of e-content, use of technology and technology, computer-aided Turkish education have come to the fore in the processes of teaching Turkish to foreigners. In graduate dissertations, it was observed that the experimental pattern with pre test-final test control group and the screening models in articles were the most commonly used research models.
其他摘要:Türkçe eğitimi süreçleri bireylerin anlama, anlatma kabiliyetlerine; bilişsel düşünme becerilerine vb. doğrudan etkide bulunduğu için araştırmacıların ilgi odağında yer alır. Bu araştırmalar genel olarak Türkçe eğitimi süreçlerinden daha etkin bir biçimde
关键词:Turkish education; information technologies; development of educational processes
其他关键词:Türkçe eğitimi; bilişim teknolojileri; eğitim süreçlerinin geliştirilmesi