出版社:Laboratory of Complex Mapping, Faculty of Geography, MSU
摘要:The Munku-Sardyk (Eastern Sayan) glacier has been described and studied for more than 100 years. The first largest glacier of Peretolchina was studied in the most detailed detail. Radde's second-largest glacier is much weaker. Monitoring of surface characteristics of the Radde glacier by ground methods and using data of remote sensing of the Earth (RSE) has been carried out since 2006. In 2018, georadar profiling of this glacier was performed for the first time. As a result, it was possible not only to clarify its surface characteristics, but also to assess the power of the ice and the internal structure (a layer of firn, ice, bed). According to the RSE, its geometric changes have been revealed. Over 120 years, the open part of the Radde Glacier has shrunk from 0.4 to 0.09 km2, and the length from 1 to 0.4 km. It also revealed the division of the glacier into two parts and the intensive reservation of the bottom of the main part of the tongue by surface moraines and the formation of a glacial lake on the glacier itself in the lower part of the second half. Radar research using the Oko-2 georadar, allowed to determine the volume of ice of this glacier 0.003 km3 and the greatest thickness of the main ice body 42 m. The main glacier flows down from the Eskadriliy top, 3168 m, to the north, flows on the cross-bar and from it turns to the northeast, and at the bottom of the kar will continue to flow north again.
其他摘要:Описание и изучение ледников хребта Мунку-Сардык (Восточный Саян) ведутся более 100 лет. Наиболее детально изучался первый по величине ледник Перетолчина. Второй по величине ледник Радде изучен значительно слабее. Мониторинг поверхностных характеристик ле
关键词:The Eastern Siberia;glacier;icing;radar-tracking researches;remote sensing researches of the Earth
其他关键词:Восточная Сибирь;нивально-гляциальные образования;ледник;радиолокационные исследования;дистанционные исследования