期刊名称:Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series
出版社:Ovidius University Press
摘要:Clusters play an important role in fostering competitiveness,innovation and creation of jobs in our country,in general,and in the Romanian Danube region,in particular. These partnerships of the „triple helix” type can support regions in stimulating innovation,by facilitating cooperation between the academia,the business environment and the local administration. Clusters could be used both in the development phase,as well as in the implementation of smart specialization strategies,contributing to identifying the strengths of an economic sector in the region,and determining the priorities in making correct political decisions. Today clusters reflect the crosssectorial nature of the value chains and innovation systems. The paper presents some concerns regarding the evolution of clusters promotion in Romania as part of Danube Region,based on experienced gained by author during the projects conducted in the framework of South-East Europe and Transnational Danube Programmes.