期刊名称:Monitoring Obŝestvennogo Mneniâ: Ekonomičeskie i Socialʹnye Peremeny
出版社:Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM)
摘要:The article provides an assess-ment of the factors that may affect the probability and intensity of physical activ-ity among young Russians aged 15–24. The analysis is based on the data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Sur-vey (RLMS), 2000–2016 (N = 21,703). Econometric analysis shows that there is a positive relationship between the physical activity probability and the indicators such as educational level, household per capita income, and living in capital cities. There is also a negative relationship between the probability of physical activity and individual’s charac-teristics such as smoking, family status (marriage), employment status (having a job). Relationship between the probabil-ity and intensity of physical activity and such features as alcohol consumption, body mass index and subjective health assessment is inconclusive. Implemen-tation of measures aimed at increasing the physical activity of young Russians taking into account the stimulating or restraining factors may increase the pro-ductivity of physical exercise and further improve health condition and contribute to a longer lifespan in Russia.
其他摘要:В статье проводится оцен-ка факторов, способных оказать влия-ние на вероятность занятий физиче-ской активностью и их интенсивность в группе молодых россиян в возрасте от 15 до 24 лет. Эмпирический анализ основан на данных Российского мони-торинга экономич
关键词:probability of physical activity; intensity of physical activity; healthy life-style; young people; RLMS-HSE
其他关键词:вероятность заня-тий физической активностью; интен-сивность физической активности; здо-ровый образ жизни; молодежь; РМЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ