摘要:Paper deals with the complex issue of pollution of the seo from land-based sources together with analyses of provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,the Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution fi'oru Land-based Sources and the Protocol on Protection of the Mediterranean against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities. Domestic sources are stipulations of the Constitution and the Declaration on Nature Protection,as v,ell as the systent of laws on nature protection and othet' environntental laws with particular reference to provisions in the field of nrur'itinte affairs. Author accentuates that the purpose of legal instruntents is regulating order in the environntent and the method of peforming particular activities,as well as the system of pollution monitoring and sanctioning the violation of nornts. The attthor points out the necessity of adopting regulation only upon consideration of the actuol .feasibility of its implententotion,w,ith relevant prevention measures and procedur"es after the danruge event. Furtherntore,the author proposes instituting the specialised independent agencies in charge of supervision of regulation intplementatiorts.
其他摘要:Rad obrađuje složenu pravnu problematiku onečišćenja mora iz izvora na kopnu uz analizu odredaba Konvencije Ujedinjenih Naroda o pravu mora,Konvencije o sprečavanju onečišćenja mora iz izvora na kopnu,te Protokola o zaštiti Sredozemlja protiv onečišćenja
关键词:marine pollutiort;land-based sources;conTpensation for dannge;implementatiort.
其他关键词:onečišćenje mora;kopneni izvori;naknada štete;oživotvore nje