摘要:The book represents the fi rst Croatian publication dealing with European transport law in a synthetic,clear and systematic manner. It deals with a large body of acquis communautaire and EU policy in relation to transport,covering their development from the early days of the European integration until today. This book provides a succinct account of over 300 legislative acts of EU transport law,more than 100 decisions of the European Court of Justice and the national courts of the EU Member States,and around 70 EU strategy papers. As such,it is a rare example in the existing literature. The book is a result of several years of research by seven authors in the fi eld of EU transport law and policy,but also in the fi eld of competition law,the protection of environment and consumer protection in relation to particular modes of transport.
其他摘要:U izdanju Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu objavljena je knjiga pod naslovom "Europsko prometno pravo”,grupe autora (dr. sc. Nikoleta Radionov – izvanredni profesor pomorskog i općeprometnog prava,Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu;dr. sc. Tamar