摘要:"Szkoła” magazine is one of the oldest Polish pedagogical periodicals. It was es tablished in Galicia,in Lvov in 1868. As the press organ of the Pedagogical Association it strived towards the unification and mobilisation of teachers. It presented mostly texts on widely understood educational issues. However the editorial section of "Szkoła” did not avoid articles on the issues of upbringing in the family. In the period from 1868 to 1918 the periodical ran several dozens of such texts. Their detailed analysis allows one to answer the question of what upbringing tasks were assigned by the teachers to Polish families during the partitions period. Among the issues taken up in the magazine it is worthwhile to look at the mutual relations of home and school or the propagation of ra?tional upbringing principles in the family.
其他摘要:Czasopismo „Szkoła” należy do najstarszych polskich periodyków pedagogicz nych. Zaczęło ukazywać się na terenie Galicji,we Lwowie w 1868 roku. Jako organ prasowy Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego dążyło do zjednoczenia i aktywizacji nauczycieli. Na jego łamac
关键词:pedagogical magazines;"Szkoła” magazine;upbringing in family.
其他关键词:czasopisma pedagogiczne;pismo „Szkoła”;wychowanie w rodzinie