摘要:As an alternative of Romania’s sustainable development, rural tourism is considered to be an assembly of product- priceconsumption,which awards the country multiple opportunities for integration into European structures. Taking into consideration the Government Decision no. 20/2012 on the approval of multi-annual programmer for destinations,forms and tourism products development, the 3rd article,the 1st line,e item "actions regarding a specialized ranking of reception structures with accommodation in the hydropathical (spa) and rural tourism in Romania”,as well as the measures covered in the Strategic and Operational Marketing Plan for Romania during 2011-2015,the National Authority for Tourism together with the National Organization for Rural,Ecological and Cultural Tourism,The Partnership Federation in Romanian Tourism and the Management,Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest launch the pilot project:"A thematic specialization of tourism and agritourism guest houses in Romania”