摘要:Steganography refers to the manner in which secret data is concealed under a non-secret data. This non-secret data is known to be a digital form of media that are used as a cover. There are extensive researches regarding the images of steganographic methods. Nevertheless, the cover files did not receive enough attention. This study aims at providing a more inclusive approach for video steganography method. The difference in video steganography lies in the fact that they allow both sender and receiver to exchange hidden data through the matching between the secret text and the video frame RGB channels values presented in pixels, and manageable through different sizes of video files. The traditional manner contains the secret data under the video itself. The proposed method is designed over multithreading technique (parallelized method) for performance enhancement purposes. The results show that this developed steganographic method is more secure compared to the traditional steganographic method. In addition, results show that parallelism has impacted the proposed method positively.