期刊名称:Dissertations of Cultural Landscape Commission
出版社:The Cultural Landscape Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
摘要:Islands are accepted as laboratories of natural processes. For the biologists islands are small and isolated – surrounded by waters. For social scientists lack of a clear definition of "island” makes it difficult to draw conclusions. Do islands exist? Or they are ill-defined? Or maybe the insularity means not to be surrounded by waters,but to be isolated? If so,"island” may be oasis,valleys,even meadows,forest clearings or other "islands in the landscape”. Such a wide interpretation of the term "island” seems risky. The world would be built nearly exclusively from islands of various sizes. It may seem reasonable to draw a distinction between the terms derivative to the "island”. As do the French:"insularité” and "insularisme”,or the Polish "wyspiarskość” and "wyspowość”. Both:insularity and "islandness” are a result of existing barrier. If an island exists,the insularity would be its distinctive feature. "Islandness” is not a feature of an island itself,but is a feature that results from isolation.
其他摘要:Wyspy są akceptowane jako laboratoria procesów przyrodniczych. Biolodzy umówili się,że małe, izolowane obiekty otoczone wodą to wyspy. W naukach społecznych brak jasnej definicji „wyspy” utrudnia wnioskowanie i uruchamia wyobraźnię. Czy wyspy istnieją? A