摘要:In order to satisfy the need for physical activities,people want to spend more time outdoors,in natural unpolluted areas,which are mostly found in the rural areas. The geographical position of the village Rusca-Teregova,situated in Caras-Severin County,Romania offers the advantage of a wild pristine scenery. In this region,ancient traditions and customs are still preserved by the inhabitants,which represents an advantage in the development of various forms of tourism,especially rural tourism. The present study aims to analyze the causes of the low number of tourists in the area,despite the efforts made by local authorities. The main cause is represented by a lack of advertising.
其他摘要:Pentru a-şi satisface nevoia de mişcare fizică,oamenii doresc săşi petreacă mai mult timp liber în mijlocul naturii,în zone cu un cadru natural cât mai pitoresc şi cât mai puţin poluat,iar aceste zone se găsesc cu precădere în spaţiul rural. Poziţionarea