出版社:University of Primorska, University of Maribor
摘要:The task of contemporary visual arts education is to enable quality interaction among all subjects of the teaching process, through which the students are encouraged to think, imagine, and develop higherorder cognitive activities. The objective of this empirical research study was to verify the differences in the results of students in the control and experimental groups (n=285) regarding their knowledge and understanding of visual arts content. Analysis of the results shows that the students in EG showed significantly better results compared to the students in CG, which means that the interactive model of learning and teaching positively influenced the students’ understanding of visual arts content.
其他摘要:Naloga sodobnega pouka likovne umetnosti je omogočiti kakovostno interakcijo med vsemi udeleženci učnega procesa, s pomočjo katere učence spodbujamo k razmišljanju, domišljiji, ustvarjanju novih idej in razvoju kognitivnih dejavnosti višjega reda. Cilj iz
关键词:interactive approach to learning and teaching;visual arts;cognitive abilities;creative thinking;critical thinking
其他关键词:interaktivni pristop učenja in poučevanja;pouk likovne umetnosti;kognitivne sposobnosti;kreativno mišljenje;kritično mišljenje