摘要:Tis mixed methods study examines the impact teacher professional development has on the levels of concern of nine Ugandan teachers as they begin to use computers in their school environment. Tese teachers completed the Stages of Concern Questionnaire before and immediately following training on the basics of how to use a computer for educational purposes. Additionally,qualitative data in the form of interviews and written responses were collected and analyzed to look at what aspects of the training were considered to be most benefcial to the participants. Te results of the quantitative data suggest the teachers’ level of concern in three of the seven levels decreased afer training was provided. Te results of the qualitative data show the teachers would like more time to experiment with the new information they learned through the professional development and want input into what they will be learning.
其他摘要:В этом смешанном методе исследования рассматривается уровень обеспокоенности 9 школь-ных учителей из Уганды относительно их уровня подготовки к использованию компьюте-ров в их преподавательской деятельности. Данные были собраны при помощи опросников,прово