摘要:On October 23, 2011, a Mw=7.1 earthquake occurred in the province of Van in eastern Turkey. The earthquake caused extensive damage in the city centers of Van and Erciş, and it caused more than 640 fatalities. In the present study, we calculated Coulomb stress failure changes caused by the 2011 Van earthquake. The stress increases up to 5 bars in a zone that extends northeastwards from the midpoint of the southern shore of Lake Van towards Muradiye. The density of aftershock distributions are high in the stress zone. The November 9, 2011 Edremit earthquake (Mw=5.6), which caused further loss of lives and damage in the earthquake struck area, is not an aftershock, but an independent earthquake triggered by the October 23, 2011 Van earthquake.
其他摘要:23 Ekim 2011 tarihinde moment magnitüdü Mw=7.1 olan bir deprem Türkiye’nin doğusunda Van ilinde meydana gelmiştir. Deprem Van şehir merkezinde ve Erciş kasabasında yoğun hasar yaratmış ve 600’den fazla insanın hayatını kaybetmesine sebep olmuştur. Bu çalı
关键词:October 23;2011 Van earthquake;November 9;2011 Edremit earthquake;Coulomb stress change;earthquake;fault;active tectonic
其他关键词:23 Ekim 2011 Van depremi;9 Kasım 2011 Edremit depremi;coulomb gerilme değişimi;deprem;fay;aktif tektonik