摘要:Field theory is one of the two sub-field theories in electrical and electronics engineering that for creates difficulties for undergraduate students. In undergraduate period, field theory has been taught under the theory of electromagnetic fields by which describes using partial differential equations and integral methods. Analytical methods for solution of field problems on the basis of a mathematical model may result the understanding difficulties for undergraduate students due to their mathematical and physical infrastructure. The analytical methods which can be applied in simple model lose their applicability to more complex models. In this case, the numerical methods are used to solve more complex equations. In this study, by preparing some field theory‘s web-based graphical user interface numerical methods of applications it has been aimed to increase learning levels of field theory problems for undergraduate and graduate students while taking in mind their computer programming capabilities.
其他摘要:Elektrik-Elektronik mühendisliğinin iki alt teorisinden biri olan alan teorisi lisans öğrencilerinin algılamada güçlük çektikleri bir konudur. Lisans döneminde elektromanyetik alanlar kapsamında alan teorisi, parçalı diferansiyel denklemler ve integral yö
关键词:Electromagnetic field theory;numerical solutions;visual programming techniques;java based simulation
其他关键词:Elektromanyetik alan teorisi;nümerik çözüm;görsel programlama;java tabanlı benzetim