摘要:Objective: The present study examined the influences of fathers' and mothers' work-family conflict on their warm parenting, as well as their early school-aged children's internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors. Methods: The data were drawn from the eighth wave Panel Study of Korea Children (PSKC) data. A total of 558 dual-earner parents and their first graders from elementary school (boys: 281, girls: 277) were the subjects of this study. The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used for the dyadic data analysis. Results: First, significant actor effects were found between fathers' and mothers' work-family conflict and their warm parenting. Second, a significant partner effect was found between fathers' work-conflict and mothers' warm parenting. Third, fathers' work-family conflict showed a significant direct effect on children's internalizing problem behaviors. However, fathers' warm parenting was not significantly related to children's problem behaviors. Fourth, mothers' work family conflict did not show a direct effect on children's problem behaviors. However, mothers' warm parenting showed a mediating effect between mothers' work-family conflict and children's internalizing and externalizing problems. Mothers' warm parenting also mediated between fathers' work-family conflict and children's externalizing problem behaviors. Conclusion: With few extant studies that explored work-family conflict's effect on parenting and children's development, this study addressed the gap by showing interdependence between parents’ work-family conflict and warm parenting and their effects on children's problem behaviors.
关键词:work-family conflict;warm parenting;problem behaviors;dual earner parents;Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM)