出版社:University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Psychology
摘要:The main goal of this study was to identify the factors which are most associated with the progress in reading literacy assessed in the PISA survey. In the preliminary sample,students from ten schools (N=235) were retested two years after the 2009 PISA original study. There were measured intrinsic and extrinsic motivation,school self-efficacy,epistemological beliefs,metacognitive strategies,socio-economic status,enjoyment and preference for reading and motivation and self-regulation. The examined factors explain 27% of the variance in reading literacy progress. Factors that contribute most to this progress are school self-efficacy,proper use of metacognitive strategies and low extrinsic motivation. Socio-economic status explained a negligible amount of variance,while some effect of type of school on progress in reading literacy (η2 =7%) was observed. Achievement in reading literacy is correlated with school marks. Students who attend secondary schools are more likely to make progress in reading literacy than those who attend vocational schools. An attempt was made to formulate the implications for education policy based on this research.
其他摘要:Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se identifikuju faktori koji su u najvećoj meri povezani sa napretkom na testu čitalačke pismenosti iz PISA istraživanja. U preliminarni uzorak je ušlo deset škola (N=235) koje su testirane 2009. godine u okviru ciklusa
关键词:PISA;reading literacy;school self-efficacy;intrinsic and extrinsic motivation;metacognitive strategies;education policy
其他关键词:PISA;čitalačka pismenost;školska samoefikasnost;ekstrinzička i intrinzička motivacija;metakognitivne strategije;mere obrazovne politik