出版社:Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija, Novi Sad
摘要:The U.S.subprime mortgage crisis was one of the first indicators of the great financial crisis that escalated in late 2008.The law deregulation and human greed are considered to be the main causes of the crisis.However,some recent analyses have shown one more cause of the mortgage crisis,that seems to be crucial - oversizing of the subprime mortgage market.Due to the fact that the subprime mortgage market depends on the prime mortgage market,in an attempt to provide its stability and sustainable growth,some kind of the ratio between the number of subprime and the prime mortgages must have been taken into the consideration.
其他摘要:Hipotekarna kriza u Americi bila je jedna od prvih indikatora velike finansijske krize koja je eskalirala krajem 2008.godine.Glavnim uzrocima krize smatraju se pravna deregulacija i ljudska pohlepa.Međutim,neke novije analize ukazale su na još jedan uzrok
关键词:subprime mortgage crisis;ratio between number of subprime and prime mortgages
其他关键词:hipotekarna kriza u Americi;odnos ukupnog broja subprimarnih i primarnih kredita