期刊名称:Annals of Spiru Haret University Economic Series
出版社:Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine
摘要:Analytical Processing Systems (OLAP) On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems support the process of extracting useful information from large amounts of detai led transactional data (On-Line Transaction Processing OLTP level) in any efficient business organizations. These OLAP systems generally offer a dimensional view of data in which measured values (facts) are characterized by descriptive values and the values of a dimension are usually represented in a containment- type hierarchy. Queries aggregate large amounts of data. A fast response is achieved if it is . applied the pre-aggregation technique. W ork presents some characteristics of the pre-aggregation technique, in the effort context of query optimization in the OL AP systems for business applications.
关键词:depozite de date (Data Warehouse);rafturi de date (Data Marts); procesare analitica on-line - OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing);preagregare date; ierarhia dimensiunii;sumarizabilitate