摘要:Biodiesel becomes a promising substitution to petro-diesel fuel,since it is renewable and environmentally friendly.Biodiesel can be produced by catalytic or non-catalytic process.This paper discusses two different technologies in the palm oil biodiesel production,which is alkali-catalyzed and non-catalytic superheated methanol vapor (SMV) process.The exergy analysis was performed to compare those two technologies.Closed system was assumed for the exergy analysis,while kinetic and potential exergy were neglected.The result shows that the total exergy efficiency of non-catalytic SMV process was lower than the catalytic one,which was 92.61% and 95.37%,respectively.The methanol evaporation process contributed the highest irreversibility,which was 2802.07 kJ/kg biodiesel.The heat recirculation process could increase the exergy efficiency of biodiesel production,especially when SMV methods was adopted.The irreversibility of the non-catalytic SMV process was higher than the catalytic one,due to high temperature requirement of the noncatalytic SMV process.Therefore,the improvement of the SMV process was indispensable to be conducted,especially in the methanol evaporation process,to increase the efficiency of SMV process.
其他摘要:Biodiesel merupakan bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat menggantikan bahan bakar diesel,karena sifatnya yang terbarukan dan ramah lingkungan.Biodiesel dapat diproduksi baik secara proses katalitik ataupun non-katalitik.Makalah ini membahas dua teknologi yan