出版社:Antropološko društvo Srbije i Univerzitet u Nišu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet
摘要:The research subject are demographic changes that were notably determined by changes in economic social, cultural, health and technical and technological development of Republic of Srpska. The aim of the research is to define necessary concepts for comprehension of demographic aging process and to explore demographic movements trend in the Republic of Srpska. Contribution of research is consistent of ascertaining the economic and social, consequences of demographic processes. Demographic movements in Republic of Srpska are extremely negative for a long time. Dominant processes that stand out are insufficient birth rate and demographic aging process. Long-term consequences of therse processes are already visible but in the future it might be more expressed. Like most post-transition countries, the Republic of Srpska is confronted to with low fertility rates so it needs an active population politics that will help increase of fertility rate demographic recovery and economic recovery.
其他摘要:Predmet istraživanja su demografske promjene koje su bitno determinisane promjenama koje se događaju u ekonomskom, društvenom, kulturnom, zdravstvenom i tehničkotehnološkom razvoju Republike Srpske. Cilj istraživanja je definisati pojmove potrebne za razu