摘要:This research aims to produce and determine the effectiveness of integrative thematic an textbook based on discovery learning subthema “Sumber Energi” class III Student SDN 4 Krandegan. Collecting data used interview guides, product assessment sheet textbook, observation sheet motivation to learn and character responssibility, teacher questionnaire, the questionnaire responsses of learners. Data were analyzed using t test with significance level of 0.05. The results showed the aspect of material obtained a score of 166 with the "good" category, media aspects scored 95 with the category of "very good", the responsse of teachers scored 69 in the category of "very good", the responsse of students also gained 9.82 by category "very good". The effectiveness can be seen from the observation of the learning motivation of students in the experimental class 1 and experiment 2 obtained a score of 18.67 and 16.07, while the character of responssibility observation learners of the experimental class 1 and 2 obtained a score of 18.5 and 15.78. The results of learners' learning motivation questionnaire of the experimental class 1 and experiment 2 obtained a score of 58.71 and 60.5.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan dan mengetahui keefektifan buku ajar pada pembelajaran tematik integratif berbasis discovery learning subtema Sumber Energi kelas III SD Negeri 4 Krandegan Banjarnegara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengemb
关键词:integrative thematic a textbook based on discovery learning;motivation learning and character responssibility
其他关键词:buku ajar tematik integratif berbasis discovery learning;motivasi belajar;karakter tanggung jawab