摘要:Vzajemna korespondenca dveh velikih evropskih slavistov na prelomu 19. in 20. stoletja, M. Murka (1861–1952) in J. Polívke (1858–1933) razkriva bogato znanstveno sodelovanje v srednjeevropskem prostoru, ko so se na obrobnih področjih habsburške monarhije povezovale slavistične filološke raziskave z narodnim gibanjem in s kulturno-političnimi ambicijami. Odnos, ki je temeljil na izmenjavi idej in medsebojni inspiraciji, je zaznamoval delo in življenje tako češkega kot slovenskega znanstvenika. V pismih sta se posvečala novi podobi univerzitetnih slavistik v Pragi in na Dunaju, razmišljala sta o neuresničeni možnosti osnovanja slovenske fakultete na Karlovi univerzi v Pragi.
其他摘要:The paper explores relations between two major Slavonic scholars in Europe at the turn of the 20th century: M. Murko (1861–1952) and J. Polívka (1858–1933). Based on a careful study of their correspondence, it particularises their fruitful collaboration in the area of Central Europe at the time when the advancement of Slavonic studies in the peripheral regions of the Hapsburg Empire brought together philological research and national revival as well as cultural and political ambitions. The relationship between the two men, as it was naturally fostered through the exchange of ideas and mutual inspirations, had a significant impact on their personal and professional careers. Their letters deal with the institutional history of Slavonic studies, referring to the newly-built Departments of Slavonic Studies in Prague and Vienna, and to the failed initiative to establish the Slovenian Faculty at Charles University, Prague.
关键词:zgodovina slavistike;znanstvena korespondenca;Matija Murko;Jiří Polívka;slovensko-češki odnosi
其他关键词:history of slavistics;correspondence between slavists;Matija Murko;Jiří Polívka;Slovene-Czech relations.