摘要:The bed, in general, is a furniture lying on or in. But from the moment it interacts with people, it is no longer just a furniture like many. But what distinguishes it from others is one of the greatest witnesses of human’s external and internal change. The bed item, which a person can be sincerely self, or belongs to his/her privacy field, in short, has served to art for centuries and continues to do so. The underlying cause of attracting artists from past to present is perhaps to be installed with personality. This item, which reflects the experience of the person most self;from birth to death and in the passing life is the aesthetically pleasing fold fabric, soft pillows and the most beautiful carrier of a body. In the conceptual dimension, it also has a subordinate meaning in which one’s emotional and spiritual transitions are experienced. In this research which is descriptive survey model;it was sought to answer the question of how an item which has acquired an important place in the art from the past to the present day, has different meanings. And it was sought to answer the question of how a person connects with this furniture and how this connection reflects on the art.
其他摘要:Yatak, genel anlamıyla üzerine veya içine yatılan bir eşyadır. Ama insanla bütünleştiği, etkileşime girdiği andan itibaren birçoğu gibi artık yalnızca bir eşya değildir. Ancak onu diğerlerinden ayıran şey;insanın hem dışsal hem içsel değişiminin en büyük