标题:Report of the Geological Surveys in Cape Ryugu, Oku-iwa Rock and Telen, East Antarctica : Report of the Geology Section of the 19th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition in 1977-1978
摘要:The authors, members of the summer party of the 19th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, 1977-1978 (JARE-19), surveyed the geology of thc following three areas : Cape Ryugu, Oku-iwa Rock and Telen in East Antarctica. The Cape Ryugu area is composed chiefly of biotite gneiss, garnet-biotite gneiss, melanocratic biotite-hornblende gneiss, amphibolite, pegmatite, aplite and granite. The area shows a simple monoclinal structure trending generally E-W and dipping 30°-50°S. The Oku-iwa Rock area is composed mainly of biotite gneiss, biotite-hornblende gneiss and pink granite. The area is subdivided into folded biotite gneiss zone, migmatitic biotite-hornblende gneiss zone and leucocratic biotite gneiss zone successively from north to south, and each zone trends E-W and dips 40°-60°S. The Telen area is composed of garnet-biotite gneiss, hornblende-biotite gneiss, charnockitic gneiss, clinopyroxene gneiss, amphibolite and quartzite. The area has the stratigraphical successions of lower pelitic gneiss, middle charnockitic gneiss and upper psammitic gneiss intercalated with quartzite and basic gneiss beds from west to east. The foliation generally strikes N-S and dips 20°-40゜E. The geological maps and the list of rock specimens collected from these areas are shown and some logistic difficulties for the geological field investigations are discussed.