摘要:This study aims to investigate the long-term relationship between gold prices per ounce and crude oil prices and Borsa İstanbul 100 Index. To this end, data of 3703 days between the years of 1997 and 2014 has been studied. "Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Philips Perron Unit Root Tests” revealed that the variables were stationary at first difference, yet it was found through "Johansen Cointegration” analysis that there exists an vector showing a long term relationship between the variables. However, the coefficient of the vector error correction term reflecting on the long-term relationship between the variables provided above was statistically insignificant and the variables did not have the long-term balance relationship. These findings support the fact that, as a means of investment, gold is used as an alternative to shares.
其他摘要:Bu çalışmanın amacı altın ons fiyatları ve ham petrol fiyatları ile Borsa İstanbul Ulusal 100 endeksi arasındaki uzun dönemli ilişkilerin incelenmesidir. Bu bağlamda 1997-2014 yılları arasına ait toplam 3703 günlük verilerle çalışmıştır. "Genişletilmiş Di