摘要:The aim of this paper is to show the essence of GR management as an important part of financial management. In this article the latest researches, focused on certain aspects of GR, are summarized. The author devotes significant attention to the role of the government as a key partner and agent on the market. In this research the importance of a wide rage of risks on the market is underlined and their impact on the corporate financing activities is shown. The author upholds different points of view concerning the essence of lobbying and its relation to GR. This paper is focused on comparison between different forms of GR, their types and directions. It is proved in this research, that relations between corporations and the government in XX century were developing in two opposite directions: on local and international levels. It is clear that financial contributions, made by the corporations during the election cycle, have significant impact on the government policy and give an opportunity to receive some benefits from the future government. Also, big law firms do have some influence on the government activities and in case if such actions can harm the interests of corporations they can sue an attorney for malpractice. The author shows the ways in which lobbying can serve as a very efficient tool to protect the interests of corporations, manipulate the government policy and initiate some changes in legislation. Also, the most important problems and specific features of strategic communications in terms of financial and environmental turmoils are explored.
其他摘要:Метою статті є аналіз сутності GR-управління як складової фінансового менеджменту корпорації. У статті проведено порівняння різних форм GR, визначено їх види та напрямки провадження. Окреслені проблеми та особливості стратегічних комунікацій у процесі дос
关键词:World Trade Organization (WTO);direct and indirect lobbying;European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS);think tanks;financial management;government relations management (GR management)
其他关键词:Всесвітня торговельна організація (ВТО);пряме та непряме лобіювання;стратегічні комунікації;Cхема торгівлі викидами Європейського Союзу (EU ETS);розумові центри;фінансовий менеджмент;GR-управління