摘要:Objective: to develop,to study and to evaluate of methods of interval training during physical training of high school students on the basis of changes in physical work capacity. Methods:The control group (CG) consisted 20 students (5 boys and 15 girls),experimental group (ЕG) - 26 (5 boys and 19 girls). Students of CG engaged in fitness during physical training at the university,and students of ЕG carried out the same program,classroom training and self study Tabata training accordingly three levels of intensity,training was conducted 4 times a week during the 4-weeks. Efficacy was assessed by changes of students’ physical work capacity . Baseline characteristics were compared between groups using test χ2 (binary variables),t - test (continuous variables),Mann-Whitney test to compare the rank variables and Wilcoxon test (associated sample). Results: During the month of formative experiment physical work capacity of students of EG had increased up to + 38.9%,and significantly different from the initial period (p <0.05). Anthropometric parameters did not significantly change the dynamics,and there was no difference between the compared groups . Evaluation of interval Tabata’s training that was based on the dynamics of students physical work capacity,allowed to objectively demonstrate the positive value of introducing additional self-study exercises.
其他摘要:Мета дослідження: розробка,обґрунтування та оцінка ефективності методики інтервального тренінгу під час занять фізичною культурою студентів закладів вищої освіти на підставі змін фізичної працездатності. Методи: У контрольної групи (КГ) було 20 студентів
关键词:students’ physical work capacity;Tabata’s interval training method;Harvard step test.