摘要:Objective: to identify interlinks between physical and mental capacity measures and the formation of technical and tactical qualities of the fencers;to define relevant criteria and tests for the choice of students in the fencing sections. Methods: study and analysis of the literature;pedagogical supervision;physiological methods (physical capacity by the Harvard step test with the calculation IGST,mental capacity by the proofreading tables,special exercises for evaluation of technical and tactical fencers qualities),statistical methods. Students of the control group (9 fencers),had 5 workouts in a week,students DG1 (13 students) were engaged in physical training one time in a week by the university program. Groups DG2 and DG3 had sectional fencing workouts four hours in a week (8 and 10 students,respectively). Training time the fencing was 4 months for DG2 and a one year and 4 months for DG3. Results. There is interrelation between physical and mental capacity measures and there is correlation with indicators of technical and tactical qualities of the students,who engaged fencing. It can select indicators for choice of students in fencing section. Index of the Harvard step test and quantity of mistakes in the proofreading tables could be as prognostic criteria of the formation of technical and tactical qualities in the students fencing.
其他摘要:Анотація. Мета дослідження: виявлення зв’язків між показниками фізичної та розумової працездатності і формуванням техніко-тактичних якостей фехтувальників,визначення значущих критеріїв та тестів для відбору студентів у секції фехтування оздоровчої та спор
关键词:physical capacity;mental capacity;students;choice in fencing.
其他关键词:фізична працездатність;розумова працездатність;студенти;відбір у фехтуванні.