摘要:The objective is to describe biotechnical systems,to specify their functioning and to determine the conditions to decrease the uncertainty of the systems;to search and interprete the hidden periodic behavior of the numerical series occurring in training and competitive activities. Materials and methods. The functioning of bio‑ technical systems was studied. To characterize the func‑ tional state of the system,the study used analysis of the cardiovascular system functioning,which was quanti‑ tatively characterized by the frequency of cardiac con‑ tractions taken in the dynamic mode with a pulsimeter with per-second discretization of time and analyzed using a software package. Results. The article proposes to use a certain ap‑ proach to handle numerical series when studying bi‑ ological and natural processes. The hidden periodic behavior of the numerical series occurring in training and competitive activities of athletes were sought out and interpreted. The paper presents some biotechnical systems. Conclusions. The paper proposes an approach to studying biotechnical systems. The human heart rate changes throughout the day depending on the time and is of fluctuating nature with certain periods,whereas the heart rate periods depend on the person’s activity and the time of day. At the same time,when in rest,the heart rate tends to decrease the amplitude. Moreover,the heart rate reading significantly depends on the load of the person. All this confirms the need to conduct a sufficiently detailed study of the human heart rate and its exposue to external and internal factors as well as the correlation between the latter. The uncertainty of the system decreases with the introduction of additional information.
其他摘要:Мета – опис біотехнічних систем,конкретизація функціонування та визначення умов зменшення невизначеності систем,пошук та інтерпретація прихованих періодичностей стосовно числових рядів,що мають місце в тренувальній та змагальній діяльності. Матеріали і ме