摘要:The environment is always perceived in its duality. It is omnipresent,always contradictory and complementary. At first glance one pole of this duality is superimposed,the other subordinate. We speak about the interdependence of existence of space. The nature of things is that self-confirmation demands an opposite,for this is the only basis that allows mutual comparison. The good confirms the bad,light confirms darkness etc. Conceptualisation and operation of complex spatial compositions,such as cities,is similar. Representative spaces need service spaces. Spaces above the ground need their subterranean antipode. Compact urban agglomerations need buildings in distant places, often even in aggressive environments. These buildings act as “exposed vanguards”. Architecture,as an art of designing space,depends on light. Similar to light,which discloses architectural form,it also discloses meanings and desires that are later materialised through the idea,design and construction process. Lighting is often “only one of the particles”,which build the spectrum of architectural possibilities – aesthetic or functional visibility. In fact light includes both: aesthetics and function. In architecture it achieves significance by mutual relations,as a sequence of light relations. These relations lead the user to sets of associations that translate significance from the realm of desired to the realm of personal. Herewith experience acts as a vehicle of interpretation for both the spatial designer and the spatial user.
其他摘要:Okolje vedno zaznavamo v njegovi dvojnosti. Prisotna je povsod,je nasprotujoča in dopolnjujoča. Na prvi pogled je en pol te dvojnosti nadrejen,drugi podrejen. Podroben pogled razkrije kompleksnejše odnose. Govorimo o soodvisnosti obstoja prostora. V narav