摘要:Buildings have negative effects on the environment throughout their life cycle,i.e. from the phase of obtaining raw materials and manufacturing materials and components up to the sale, building and use through the final phase of removal when the building is decommissioned. In general,current legislation limits both the use of energy and the emissions allowed during operation,but do not limit the other parameters that define the design of contemporary sustainable buildings. Determining the sustainability of buildings should take place in the planning phase of the project,when it is still possible to influence the outcome. In a research study,a simplified method using five chosen indicators was elaborated to evaluate the level of sustainability. The areas to be evaluated are energy efficiency,use of primary energy,CO2 emissions,costs,and the level of living comfort achieved. The evaluation using these indicators is carried out using three subjective and objective weighting methods, such that the final evaluation includes the viewpoints of an independent evaluator and the points of view of both the user and the state. On the basis of results obtained in a research study conducted on a large statistical sample of Slovenian single-family houses the calculation model was created,which calculate the energy flows in buildings. In practice a number of calculation tools are used to calculate annual energy flows. Their use yields accurate results but requires the input of a large number of parameters in the complex calculation procedures involved. The values of these parameters are usually known only after the planning process of a building has been completed. A simplified evaluation method for energy efficiency in single-family houses has been developed with the aim of using as few building parameters as possible with the simplest calculation procedures possible.
其他摘要:Stavbe imajo negativne vplive na okolje v celotnem življenjskem ciklusu,torej od faze pridobivanja surovin ter proizvodnje gradiv in polizdelkov,do prodaje,vgradnje in uporabe do končne faze odstranitve,ko stavba odsluži svojemu namenu. Trenutna zakonodaj