摘要:The area of Slovenian and Croatian Istria is a historically intertwined geographical unit,where numerous cultural and economic bonds are present. The research was aimed at defining those contents of spatial planning which can be the subject of common interest and consequentially the subject of common planning. In the most part,the results are founded on recently concluded intergovernmental project PUT-UP Istre (2015–2016). By method of comparison of the existing planning documents,expert bases and other reference materials,common interests and potential competition were ascertained. We established that there are numerous contents in the fields of traffic,tourism,economy,agriculture and protection of nature that could be or even should be planned together. It is necessary to precisely define the common interests and their possible conflicts. To obtain more effective results in the area of common planning,it will be necessary to treat and plan these contents more exactly when preparing a next generation spatial, strategic and implementation documents in both countries.
其他摘要:Območje slovenske in hrvaške Istre je zgodovinsko prepletena geografska celota v kateri so prisotne številne kulturološke in gospodarske vezi. Raziskava je usmerjena v opredelitev tistih prostorsko planskih vsebin,ki so lahko predmet skupnega interesa in