摘要:The analysis of the existing literature mainly available through the Internet and only rarely in the classical book form has made the launch of a theoretical platform for the methodological approach to the computer application in architectural plans and presentations possible. The computer application at the described architectural level significantly differs from the application in purely engineering fields. In the field of architecture,the computer reveals to be an indispensable and perfectly capable tool for the verification of the solutions planned in the two-dimensional plane or the three-dimensional space. The computer produces even better results when applied in all architectural presentation techniques,i.e. two-dimensional drawings,three-dimensional space demonstrations or web multimedia presentations and the state-of-the-art presentations which may be presented on web sites. The web site devised by the Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture,the result of the abovementioned research project,is a brilliant example of such a project.
其他摘要:Analitièno delo,predvsem pregled obstojeèe literature preteno na Internetu in le delno tudi v klasièni knji?ni obliki,je omogoèilo postavitev teoretiène platforme za metodološki pristop do uporabe raèunalnika v zasnovi in prezentaciji arhitekture. Na tem