摘要:Nowadays,SME’s and entrepreneurs have important roles in the national and international economy in terms of countries. SME’s and entrepreneurs have several advantages in competitive market economy. These advantages are adapting increasing competition,gaining knowledge of market and production,undertaking the risks that may occur,adapting quickly to innovations in the organization. In this study,it is analyzed relationship between SME’s entrepreneurship values and foreign trade activities. It has been included to study that foreign trade firms in Ankara,Istanbul, Adana,Mersin,Bursa and Kocaeli in order to evaluate their views of foreign trade activities and determine relationship between entrepreneurship and foreign trade. In the scope of the research,it is used primary data that belong to 180 SMEs. The empirical result of research shows that there are positive relationship between entrepreneurship values and foreign trade.
其他摘要:Günümüzde ülkeler açısından KOBİ’lerin ve girişimcilerin ulusal ve uluslararası ekonomideki yeri önemlidir. Serbest piyasa ekonomisinde artan rekabete uyum sağlama,pazar ve üretim bilgisine sahip olma,oluşabilecek riskleri üstlenme,iş yönetimindeki ve org