摘要:Banking sector plays an important role in Turkish economy,representing 80% of the financial sector and being a critical component of resource allocation. The lending policies of the banks are particularly important in terms of general robustness of the banking sector along with goverment planning and policy making. In this perspect,the lending policies of banks in Turkey during negative economic periods are studied using dynamic panel data analysis. The results indicate that with respect to the dependent variable,total change in loans,independent variables Total Credits/Total Assets ratio and total assets are statistically significant in terms of the highest significance level (P=0.000). The coefficents of Total Assets and Total Credit/Total Assets ratio are calculated as respectively 2,72% and 0.0004289;at significance level ROA (P=0.000) -0,001448;at significance level GSYH (P=0.008) 0.0089913;at signifcance level Liquid Assets/Total Assets (P=0.008) 0.0001132;at significance level SYO (P=0.078) 0.004535,indicating an effect on total loans.
其他摘要:Bankacılık sektörü,özellikle Türkiye ekonomisinde,mali kesimin yaklaşık %80’nin temsil etmesi ve kaynak tahsisinde oynadığı kritik rol itibariyle belirleyici bir güce sahiptir. Bankaların özellikle,olumsuz ekonomik şartlarda gösterdikleri kredilendirme da
关键词:Banking;Loan behavior;Negative Economic Periods;Dynamic Panel Data Analysis;Expectation Surveys
其他关键词:Bankacılık;Kredilendirme davranışı;Olumsuz Ekonomik Dönemler;Dinamik Panel Veri Analizi;Beklenti Anketleri