标题:Analysis of the scientific and methodological application applicable for the evaluation and improvement of the activities of operators of automated control systems
出版社:Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University
摘要:The article describes in detail the following areas and methods from the point of view of evaluating and improving the activities of operators of automated control systems (ACS): the concept of the transformation theory of system dynamics;semiotic systems of situational management;graphoanalytical method for assessing the expected effectiveness of military operations;structural-algorithmic analysis method;method of network activity models;reference operator method (copy method). The presence of positive sides and shortcomings in each of the considered methods allows us to say that,when improving the methodology for constructing models of automated command post (ACP) calculations,it is expedient to comprehensively use various methods of analysis of combat work processes taking into account the specifics of actions groups of operators. When deciding on the application of activity models at the automatic transmission,it is necessary to take into account the features of the activities of various ACS operators and their level of training. When deciding on the application of activity models at the automatic transmission,it is necessary to take into account the features of the activities of various ACS operators and their level of training. In accordance with the activity approach,five levels of training can be distinguished for the calculation of AKP. The initial (basic) level is associated with the assimilation of mainly theoretical knowledge about the principles of construction,composition and capabilities of ACS equipment,the features of its functioning and various modes,the basics of operation and combat use of systems. Without the availability of this level of training,it is almost impossible to move to subsequent levels. The first level of training of an ACS specialist,the so-called “student”,is determined by the ability to act according to instructions with instructions in hand. This level is sufficient for activities not limited by strict time limits (for example,carrying out certain types of preventive work,etc.). The second,higher level is called “algorithmic”. It differs in that the operator acts according to instructions,according to a certain algorithm,the contents of which are stored in his memory. In this case,the efficiency of operations is increased,which is essential for operator-operators taking part in combat work. The third level of training (“heuristic”) is associated with the identification of the situation and with the selection of the required activity algorithm from the set of well-known algorithms. This level is necessary for operator-managers acting in the course of combat work in a stream of various situations. The fourth,highest level of training is conditionally called “creative.” It allows you to solve the problems of research and inventive work,to develop new action algorithms for both known and unknown situations. A comparison of the given training levels and possible ways of reproducing activity algorithms (according to instructions,from memory,from a variety of known algorithms,from a variety of possible algorithms) shows that an increase in the level of preparation is associated with an increase in the uncertainty of actions. The smallest degree of activity uncertainty will be when working according to instructions,the greatest - when developing new unknown activity algorithms. Thus,to implement models of activity with a variable structure,a methodology for training ACS operators to a “creative” level of training is required.
其他摘要:У статті детально розглянуті такі напрямки і методи з точки зору оцінки і вдосконалення діяльності операторів автоматизованих систем управління (АСУ): концепція трансформаційної теорії динаміки систем;семіотичні системи ситуаційного управління;графоаналіт
关键词:automated control system;automated command post;evaluation and improvement of the activities of automated control systems of operators
其他关键词:автоматизована система управління;автоматизований командний пункт;оцінка та вдосконалення діяльності операторів АСУ.