出版社:Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University
摘要:Nowadays,the development of electronic equipment should be considered from the perspective of modernization of means and forces of air attack of countries from which side it is possible to use force methods,as well as conceptual directions of development of the radar system. Therefore,it is necessary to improve radar facilities in terms of the use of new methods of obtaining and processing location information. One of the ways to increase the informativeness of the received signal is to use polarization signal processing,which can be attributed to the method of full polarization sounding. The full polarization sounding method involves the emission of two orthogonal signals in the structure at two orthogonal polarizations,followed by the reception of each signal at the coordinated and cross polarizations. With full polarization sounding,the radar maps the set of object properties to a set of signals,in particular,to the elements of the object's polarization scattering vector. The use of the method of full polarization probing makes it possible to use the polarization scattering vector itself,which contains the set of properties of the object,as recognition features. The article shows that one of the ways to increase the informativeness of received radar signals,in comparison with the known ones,is to use the method of full polarization sounding. This method allows to use as a recognition feature the polarization scattering vector,which contains the set of properties of the object. The analysis of studies and publications in the field of application of the method of full polarization sounding is carried out. Which showed that to solve the problem of recognition of radar objects remained insufficiently studied the question of estimating the parameters of the localization domain of the polarization scattering vector. To address this issue,the following were studied: polarization properties of signals with full polarization sounding;geometric interpretation and physical meaning of the localization domain of the polarization scattering vector;the method of estimation and quantitative description of parameters of the localization domain of the polarization scattering vector of radar objects has been developed. It is advisable to use the obtained results when upgrading existing radars or creating new radars in order to identify radar objects.
其他摘要:У статті показано,що одним із шляхів підвищення інформативності прийнятих радіолокаційних сигналів,у порівнянні з відомими,є застосування методу повного поляризаційного зондування. Зазначений метод дозволяє використовувати в якості ознак розпізнавання сам