出版社:Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University
摘要:The process of the professional selection of the automated air traffic control systems' operator nowadays is sufficiently standardized,but some of its components are currently quite problematic. It concerns different stages of specialty standard's creation and formation of an optimal set of psychodiagnostic tools. Also we face the following significant problems with profes-sional selection of automated air traffic control systems' operators. Most of the methods used to make the specialty standard are characterized by significant subjectivism and directly dependent on the qualifications of the expert conducting this selection. None of the existing specialist models is versatile and,in most cases,it has a narrow profile. The lack of formalized data models of techniques makes it impossible to select those appropriate for the applicant' diagnostics,taking into account available re-sources and restrictions. In assessing the consistency of expert opinions,the degree of their competence is not taken into account that may lead in distortion of the results. One of the main components of professionalism is the definition of professional suitabil-ity of the individual for future activities based on its individual psychological qualities. Professional activity of a person requires a combination of specific properties (intellectual,psychological,psychophysiological characteristics). Their definition is one of the most significant difficulties. If the standard is built incorrectly,then all further efforts are useless. That's why almost all known methods for solving problems of professional selection are associated with the assurance of this preparatory stage. In our study,all models,algorithms and procedures are described together with psychological and psycho-physiological components. The paper presents results of scientific research in the field of engineering psychology regarding the construction of a mathe-matical model for a specialist's psychological profile undergoing professional selection for the position of air traffic controller of automated air traffic control systems. This model can be used to automate the process of creating a reference model of a profes-sional worker for any type of activity. The novelty of the proposed model is in the integration of experts' points of view on the specialist standard during selection process. At the same time,the significance of top-level elements depends on expert- custom-ers for each profile of a specialist,while gravity of interrelationships of characteristics and a certain quality can be obtained from expert psychologists in advance.
其他摘要:У роботі наводяться результати наукових досліджень в галузі інженерної психології відносно побудови математичної моделі психологічного портрету фахівця,що проходить професійний відбір за спеціальністю авіадиспетчера автоматизованих систем управління повіт